Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thanks to those of you who keep checking back for an update on this blog. I’m FINALLY getting around to posting…motherhood is a lot of things, and one of those things is a FULL TIME JOB!

Since I’ve last written, we’ve traveled across the country with Sophia, she’s started to roll over on her own (and roll very quickly!!), started eating solid foods, cut her first two teeth, gotten her first fever and has been busy changing and growing each day.

I’ve started going to a group called MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) at a local church. It’s been such a huge blessing to me (you can find a MOPS meeting in your area by visiting MOPS has been a great time to connect with other new moms like myself, moms who’ve had a few years experience, and “mentor moms” who are usually “grandma age” to guide all of us through the process.

In my group at MOPS, two of the moms have newborns. While Sophia and the other kids hang out in the nursery, the newborns get to come to the meeting with us. In the couple of times I’ve gotten to cradle these little cuties in my arms, I’ve realized that in my mind, Sophia never really grew out of this stage. I didn’t realize how big she really was until I held a newborn again. Another reminder of how fast this time has gone!

Since Sophia has started eating solids, I feel like most of my day is spent either feeding her or preparing her food (I’m making most of it at home in my blender). I suppose it’s a small price to pay to be able to know exactly what is going into her body and that it’s healthy, fresh produce, but I didn’t know how much time it takes to feed a baby J She’s good to go on the yellow veggies, but the green veggie introduction hasn’t gone quite as smoothly as I would have hoped. She gagged on the avocadoes and broccoli was a “no go”. I was going to try green beans next but I’m not very hopeful. Any advice anyone might have on introducing the “green guys”, send it my way!

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